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Consultations in the sphere of crypto-currency and blockchain, drafting of contracts, legal support of transactions with crypto-currency
Our practices

Consultations in the sphere of crypto-currency and blockchain, drafting of contracts, legal support of transactions with crypto-currency

Taking into consideration the rapid development of new technologies, deals in the sphere of turnover of crypto-currencies and block-technologies are gaining in popularity. Based on the recent legal practice, it is proposed to consider crypto-currency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Monero, Nem and others) as property in digital form, not denominated in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign countries.
The number of transactions connected with such property turnover, as well as technical devices for mining is growing.
Since the legislative regulation of this sphere of relations is not perfect at the moment, the majority of market participants are experiencing legal difficulties in carrying out their activities.
The advocates of the Group of Companies “Sazonov & Partners” the with a high experience, provide services to support transactions with cryptocurrency, drafting of contracts and consultation in the field of legal regulation of crypto-currency and blockchain.